Our objective is to facilitate the verification of educational qualifications for EP applications using the Veremark platform.
- MOM Education Verifications via Veremark portal:
Individuals and clients can log-in to the portal here and request MOM Education Verifications.
The process is simple:
- Navigate to your Criteria page
- Create or edit a criteria
- Select ‘Singapore’ as your location of employment
- Toggle on the ‘Academic Achievement’ check
- Select 'Yes' to wanting to order MOM Education Verifications
- And select the MOM Education Verifications you require
The cost of MOM Education Verifications (70 credits for authenticity and 70 credits for accreditation) is clearly displayed. 1 credit = 1 US$

Candidates can easily input the educational qualification details, including the institution's information. The platform supports the entry of multiple educational qualifications.

3. Verification Summary and Status:
After Veremark conducts the screening of these checks, a summary of verification results will reflect MOM's new guidelines.
After Veremark conducts the screening of these checks, a summary of verification results will reflect MOM's new guidelines.
Different status colors indicate authentication, accreditation, and discrepancies.

4. Comprehensive PDF Reports
One PDF report combines candidate identity, qualifications, and verification summary.
Report title includes our company abbreviation, verification date, and unique ID for tracking.
Report title includes our company abbreviation, verification date, and unique ID for tracking.
For additional information on MOM, please contact Client Support