8. How can I order more than 1 education qualification to be checked?

For clients who intend to submit more than 1 education qualification to MOM for the work pass application.

You may order more than 1 education qualification to be covered in a single MOM verification proof report on the same candidate.

Simply select the correct MOM education package and register your candidate as usual.

Instruct your candidate to fill in their multiple education qualification(s) that are to be verified for MOM.

Ensure that you have sufficient credits in your account for the additional checks to be deducted. An education Authentication Check or school Accreditation Check costs 70 credits (USD 70) each.

You may top up your credits via Settings, Credits if needed.

Write to enquiries-mom@veremark.com with your candidate case ID and name to let us know which qualifications you want us to verify for this case.

Our team will then process it accordingly and deduct the required credits from your account balance.

You may follow the steps to order MOM education check in our guide here: https://help.veremark.com/guide-to-order-mom-ep 

For further questions you may contact us at enquiries-mom@veremark.com  or speak to your dedicated Veremark account manager.